Photo TV Land, June 1967
…How they spend their time, their views about dating, their thoughts on marriage. If you happen to be one of Hollywood’s popular actors and a bachelor — what do you do with your time? Silly question, you say? You say that you’d keep yourself busy night and day dating some of the beautiful actresses, going to all the “in” places in town, and really live it up? Well, that’s the answer we’d expect. In fact, isn’t that everyone’s concept of the Hollywood bachelor life?
We thought we’d ask 10 of TV’s big name stars what they do with their bachelor lives — how they spend their time, their ideas about dating (perhaps a few techniques thrown in), and their views for or against marriage. Here are the concepts of the pros. (Note that most of them would be willing to give it all up and settle for marriage.)
Peter Deuel: I’m a great believer in the bachelor way of life. And I might add that I’m having a ball. I date a lot — and a lot of different girls, too. I don’t want to get tied down though. I’m not ready for marriage — although I think it would be great to come home to a wife rather than to an empty apartment.
“But I feel that I’ve got time. My career is really just getting off the ground and it means devoting a lot of my time to my work. Great things have been happening since my series went on the air — it would really be great if I could have someone to share it with. But I don’t want to get married until I’m better able to carry the added responsibilities of marriage. I’d much rather go home to an empty apartment than an unhappy wife.”
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