TV Radio Annual, 1967
Many an actress, when she wrote her autobiography or otherwise was in a mood to tell all, admitted that it was almost impossible to play love scenes with an attractive man without becoming personally involved. So, by all rights, Judy Carne and Peter Deuel should be in love. They are both young, attractive, and neither is otherwise engaged. And certainly on the television screen in Love on a Rooftop they seem made for each other. But on the set, where they are in close contact some twelve hours a day, they spend a good deal of their time feudin’ and fussin’ and fightin’.
A real pro who was enrolled in a drama school at ten and was fending for herself in London as a teenager, Judy complains bitterly that Pete is never on time and that a lot of their trouble could be avoided if he were. But Pete comes from a long line of doctors. His father, his grandfather, his great-grandfather, two cousins and two great-uncles, were M.D.s. And who ever heard of a doctor being on time? So they scream and yell at each other and every now and then all-American-type-boy Deuel threatens to belt Judy — though he never does. And come the end of the day, they kiss and make up before they leave the set — separately — only to go back at it next morning.
It’s a shame, really, for they have a lot of things in common. Judy likes American men, though not actors. She was recently divorced from one — Burt Reynolds of his season’s Hawk — and has concluded that two actors in a family are too many. And Pete likes natural, unaffected girls — Judy’s type. They both like discotheque dancing and motorcycling and it’s possible that Judy might even like Pete’s favorite sport, which is camping and fishing and exploring the California back country in his Land Cruiser.
Both are alumni of TV series — Judy came to the U.S. to play in Fair Exchange and spent another season in The Baileys of Balboa, and Pete was in last year’s Gidget. Of course, hate has been known to turn to love before and maybe it will again. The red-headed pixie who was born Joyce Botherill and the husky young man who looks like a college fullback may still become a romantic item. It would make a lot of people happy.
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