Movie Stars, August 1967
Peter Deuel: “When I think of the term ‘nice girl,’ it brings to my mind one who can be compatible with me and my desires and interested in how I feel. While I don’t believe in the double standard intellectually, it’s a different story emotionally. I do feel that if a girl has committed herself to a relationship with me, then I must in turn commit myself to her, in so far as being faithful.
The danger that exists in getting romantically involved at too young an age is that early teens haven’t had the opportunity to develop any real values. The cold, cynical, clincal outlook kids have today destroys the lyrical beauty and aesthetic aspects of love.
“Platonic relationships can exist if neither is romantically interested in the other. This is very rare. Usually one is hopeful that the friendship will in time ripen into something that is non-platonic. It is possible, though, to have a very healthy, non-romantic relationship with an ex-girlfriend.
“I can be turned off at first glance by a girl’s hairdo. Those over-teased, stiffly sprayed styles are terrible. I like a soft, natural hairdo that I can touch.
“Women should be honest. Why hem and haw and make excuses when you have a date with someone else? Tell the guy the truth. He’ll respect you more for it.”
(Pete starred in ABC’s Love On A Rooftop)
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