Just Released: Pete Duel as Remembered by Geoffrey Deuel
The most highly anticipated DVD, of course, is the one that features an interview with Geoffrey about his beloved brother, Peter. Unfortunately — or, fortunately, depending on how you see it — we were unable to limit this presentation to just one disc. That’s because there was a lifetime of memories to explore AND we spent considerable time going through boxes and boxes of family photos, pictures Geoffrey hadn’t even seen in years, in order to bring you the best and most wide variety of images. They simply couldn’t all fit on ... Read More
Category: Featured
November 6, 2015Laura
As many of you already know, Peter was passionate about ecology decades before it became as popular as it is today. So, in his name, on this day, Earth Day, April 22, 2015, and to celebrate his love of nature, we announce that Peter's brother, Geoffrey Deuel, will attend the Memphis Film Festival on June 11-June 13, 2015, in Tunica, Mississippi (30 miles south of Memphis, Tennessee), to answer questions, sign autographs, and sell photos. The Festival will mark Geoffrey's first public appearance in 40 years.
Geoffrey co-starred with John Wayne in the major motion picture Chisum and acted in many ... Read More
April 22, 2015Laura
I added a higher-resolution version of Peter's performance in The Virginian: The Good-Hearted Bad Man to the Video Gallery. Herewith it is below, too. Enjoy! If you can't view it in your country (because YouTube won't allow for a viewing there), you can play it directly from this link: http://www.peteduel.info/movies/PD-Virginian1.mov — but do allow a few minutes for it to begin buffering. Enjoy!
January 27, 2015Laura
December 10, 2011Laura
December 10, 2011Laura
December 10, 2011Laura
December 10, 2011Laura