“Every time I hear the ringing of an ice cream truck bell, I remember my very first kiss. I was about five years old and, like any other five-year-old kid, I always chased after the ice cream truck whenever it came to my neighborhood. I chased the truck whether to not I had any money!
On one hot summer day, I finally caught the truck and, naturally, I was one broke little boy without a penny in his pocket!
A cute, brown-haired, five-year-old girl named Dawnie who lived next door came to my rescue. Being so young, she didn’t have any extra ... Read More
Category: 1971 and Earlier
by Fiona MacDougall; 'TEEN Magazine, February 1972
Universal Stage 37 is in turmoil. The director has just yelled "Cut!" for the final take of the morning and the myriad of actors, grips, executives, and production assistants that comprise the Alias Smith and Jones, company is raucously breaking for lunch.
The shot narrows to:
A young man with dark brown hair tucked neatly behind his ears. He's wearing a dark blue Western shirt, tan jeans, and boots. His shoulders sag with weariness, but he smiles warmly at a departing grip who fires a joke at him.
Move in to tight closeup.
We discover that the ... Read More
March 4, 2019Laura
TV-Movie Pin-Ups, July 1971
Although there are six doctors in Peter Duel's family tree, he ignored tradition and decided to become an actor. Born in Rochester, New York, on Feb. 24, he grew up in Penfield with his younger brother Geoffrey and his younger sister Pamela. While attending St. Lawrence University, he became interested in theatrical productions ... and this led to his enrollment at the American Theater Wing in New York City.
He gained experience by working as an assistant stage manager and actor in the Shakespeare Wrights Repertory Company. His lucky break in show business came when he signed for ... Read More
March 4, 2019Laura
Movie TV Secrets, July 1967
An old jazz song of the 1930s used to say, "A good man these days is hard to find." In Hollywood, this is especially the case, and as true today as it was then. Eligible bachelors are a commodity hard to come by and if a girl is lucky enough to hook one, statistics show that the majority of Hollywood marriages end in divorce for a number of reasons, most notably career conflicts, or another woman. Perhaps bachelors have the right idea in trying to stay single. We wanted to find out from five of filmdom's ... Read More
March 4, 2019Laura
by Peter McDonald, Radio Times, November 4, 1971
Pete Duel admits he often finds himself envious of Hannibal Heyes, the outlaw character he plays in Alias Smith and Jones.
"He is hunted by every posse, yet he is still able to laugh. It's something I love him for. I try to be like that, but with so many problems besetting the world, from war to pollution and injustice, I find it difficult to keep smiling."
The intense 30-year-old bachelor, the son of a third generation doctor from the rural community of Penfield on America's East coast, lives with three dogs in a ramshackle ... Read More
December 8, 2018Laura
by Hamilton B. Allen; Rochester Times Union, January 31, 1970
Arrival of the picture Generation at the Regent yesterday gave us two reasons to cheer: It's a very entertaining comedy which bridges the generation gap in its audience appeal and provides hometown actor Peter Deuel a top-shelf vehicle in which to make his big-screen debut. His performance captures major interest among the picture's several enticements, a deftly shaded sketching of the intense young photographer Walter Owen who distrusts the Establishment and all American institutions. One would bet that Pete is headed for top stardom if his showing here is a measure ... Read More
September 18, 2018Laura
by Linda Darwood; TV Family, June 1971
In January of 1971, two new and very handsome faces made their premiere on television. It was a premiere in the sense that Pete Duel and Ben Murphy are starring together for the first time in a brand new TV series. These two aren't completely new to television; they have made various appearances in various shows, but they are new to co-starring roles.
Both Pete and Ben can be classified with the new breed of actors who realize that the real world is not in and around the studio. ... Read More
January 30, 2018Laura