16 Magazine, August 1971
"Hannibal Heyes" and "Jed 'Kid' Curry" are sidekicks, partners on the path of reformation from criminal derring-do on ABC's hit series Alias Smith And Jones. They laugh a lot together, escape misadventures together, and charm the ladies together. Their great comraderie, the spirit of real friendship that comes across on the show, is one of the ingredients that's made it a smash.
But what happens when "Heyes" and the "Kid" get off their horses and take off their hats? What happens when the film isn't rolling and they're not acting? How friendly are they then? Is that ... Read More
Category: 1971 and Earlier
June 28, 2013Laura
by Terry Harris; Screen Parade, August 1967
The blackest days of Peter's life were the ones when he thought he'd take his own life. Here's the starting story of why he wanted to — and why he finally decided not to! It was a hard temptation to resist.
It's hard to believe that Peter Deuel, who seems to contain built-in sunshine, has ever had a bad day in his life. But listening to the handsome, six-foot co-star of Love On a Rooftop lets you find out that life was not always beer and skittles. In fact, Peter is not at all reluctant ... Read More
June 25, 2013Laura
So what else would you expect with parents like these?
Motion Picture, August 1967
Living on a rooftop for a year can give a guy a different perspective on life. It's like getting a bird's-eye view of the mass of humanity below, with all its hustling and fighting for a buck, and deciding it's not worth the effort. Better to do what one wants to do, and have fun doing it. So it should come as no surprise that Peter Deuel is dedicated to exactly that kind of life. But this attitude was instilled in him long before he took up residence ... Read More
June 25, 2013Laura
by Maureen Donaldson; 'TEEN Magazine, August 1971
[Y]ou take off with Ben and your photographer to shoot some pictures before going out to dine with Ben and meet Pete Duel later. On the way, Ben raps about his role of Kid Curry/Thadeus Jones in the show Alias Smith and Jones, the television series in which he is a regular.
What about Pete Duel, Ben's co-star in the series, perhaps better known to TV audiences as Alias Smith?
"Peter's a very honest person. He has a wider range of emotions than I do," says Ben. "He runs hot and cold, but he's a great ... Read More
June 25, 2013Laura
Rochester Democrat and Chronical TV tab, August 13, 1967
It was a case of Father knew best a few years ago when Dr. Ellsworth Deuel of Penfield told son Peter to quit college, to go to New York to study acting, and "stop wasting your time and my money."
After parts in a touring play and several television series, in both New York and Hollywood, Peter co-starred in Love on a Rooftop. He now is working on a movie, The Hell With Heroes, under a new contract with Universal studios.
He's taking time from his busy schedule for a trip home this Sunday, ... Read More
June 25, 2013Laura
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, August 7, 1971
Competing against Flip Wilson on Thursday night is like holding a death wish, yet ABC stubbornly pits its mid-season western comedy, Alias Smith and Jones, against the Wilson charm again in September and the network hopes to convert a few more fans.
The fact the TV takeoff on Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is still going should surprise most people. After psychiatrist Vince Edwards bit the dust in Matt Lincoln, opposite Flip, ABC substituted with the Alias show, figuring a quick 13 weeks and then oblivion.
But a strange thing happened. Instead of wheezing along, the ... Read More
June 25, 2013Laura
SPEC 16 Magazine; August 1971
Lucky luvvers of ABC's Alias Smith and Jones can rejoice, cos the two most cuddly criminals — Pete Duel and Ben Murphy — will be back on TV every Thursday at 8 P.M.! Right now, the show is on hiatus and the two beautiful bandits are having themselves a very "lawful" summer of fun!
Pete, as "Joshua Smith," rides tall in the saddle, using his charm, wits and good looks to get out of scrapes. Rehearsing and filming his part outdoors in the hot California sun would make most people pooped — but not Pete. No sooner ... Read More
June 25, 2013Laura