From Dan LaRue, June 2021
Dear Geoffrey,
I have lots of letters from Jim Ludwig, from the time he contacted me in 1988 till his death in 1997; he was a prolific writer. He first wrote when he saw a planter I left at Pete's grave in 1988. I don’t recall doing so, but I must have left my name/address with it; I usually don’t. I was there for a project for Graduate School and drove there with a lady friend who was just glad for a day away from campus to do research at the George Eastman House, and swung around ... Read More
Category: From Family and Friends
June 27, 2021Laura
Just Released: Pete Duel as Remembered by Geoffrey Deuel
The most highly anticipated DVD, of course, is the one that features an interview with Geoffrey about his beloved brother, Peter. Unfortunately — or, fortunately, depending on how you see it — we were unable to limit this presentation to just one disc. That’s because there was a lifetime of memories to explore AND we spent considerable time going through boxes and boxes of family photos, pictures Geoffrey hadn’t even seen in years, in order to bring you the best and most wide variety of images. They simply couldn’t all fit on ... Read More
November 6, 2015Laura