The Pete Duel Memorial Book
Thank you to everyone who leaves such poignant and heartfelt expressions in The Memorial Book—and for all your kind words about this site. Your kinship is extremely appreciated. —Laura
Please post your thoughts below. The previous Memorial Book was receiving too much spam, so I had to close it and start this page instead. The previous memorial page also had hundreds of remembrances. I hope to someday transfer them here.

There may be a delay between when you leave your thoughts below and when your post appears, but rest assured, the post will eventually be published. Please keep in mind that many questions still remain about Peter’s state of mind in those final days of his life. One recent question is how much of a role the anti-seizure drug, Dilantin, played on his thoughts. Perhaps Pete was a victim of a pharmaceutical drug and not so much of self-inflicted depression. Also note that Geoffrey Deuel sometimes visits this page. Thank you.
Hallo all together,
it`s so sad to hear about Geoffreys passing. Another good human being is gone away. My condolences to the family.
Best regards
53 years gone but never forgotten ❤️ Pete, you will always be in our hearts beautiful man. Just heard the sad news of Geoffrey’s passing. Love and peace to his family, friends & followers.
Always and forever..You will be remembered and missed..and loved. God bless you and Geoffrey. Ecology now. Signed a friend. Jack.
I’m am so sad to here Geoffrey has passed away. I only found this out today. He is now with his beloved brother Pete I don’t think he ever got over the loss of his dear brother. Love to all his family and friendsxxx.
Big fan of Peter Deuel who tragically left for the Great Beyond all too early 53 years ago this morning. Sadly now Geoffrey has joined his older brother just days ago. I grew up in Rochester and Fairport, NY, just a few miles from the Deuel home in Penfield. RIP to Ellsworth and Mrs. Deuel, Peter and Geoffrey.
Another year of missing dear kind fabulous Pete but this year I have double sadness as my husband passed away on 12/28/24. I know it’s possible to love two people at once we married in 1977 but he new I had another far away love who was Pete. Both gone but never forgottenXxx
I was 11 years old when Pete died and Alias Smith and Jones was my Favorite show, I remember I was very sad and upset when I found out and couldn’t understand why he would take his own life as famous as he was at the time, I guess when you are in pain doesn’t matter if you are famous or not. I have all 3 seasons on DVD and my wife and I are watching them in order, she was in Japan back then and never saw the show. We are enjoying them once again. Godspeed to his family and I am glad he is still remembered over 50 years after his demise.
had a crush on him in the late 60’s. just watched him in the virginian. what a loss.
Thinking of Pete today – just because ❤️It’s been awhile but I never forget you beautiful man!! 🤠😘
I have been going through a tough time for a while and recently Ive been finding some solace in Alias Smith and Jones.
Its been such a comfort for me, a distraction to all that goes on. I find myself drawing Pete as I watch and i cant help but wonder what his life would have been like. Reading through this site i find myself connecting to a lot of his life and his words. And it is so tragic that he was gone so soon, but it gives me so much hope that all these people ensure he lives on, reading the birthday wishes he gets every year, the heartfelt words, the sweet tidbits.
Im young with my entire life ahead of me, currently feeling so trapped, useless, and lonely, but seeing the waves of hurt and of all the love after all these years helps me in ways i cant begin to find the words for.
Im so very glad ive found this site and have developed my own love for Pete.
Im hoping to find comfort in his other roles as well, he was so very talented.
I love Pete Duel. I am enjoying, albeit with some sadness, both the book by Paul Green “Pete Duel- A Biography” and the classic series “Alias Smith & Jones” on DVD. There is a pall of sadness when watching the episodes, no matter how funny or witty Pete is. You want to go back and stop him from doing what he did. Such a loss. I am grateful that much of his work is available of DVD.
I was 13yo when Pete died. I absolutely loved AS&J. I love Westerns to this day. None were of that concept though. They are showing the reruns on MeTV in LA county. I watch every Sat/Sun. No one will ever know exactly why he did it. I do know that anyone who does this is in a lot of pain. I am so sorry that he was, in spite of the fact that it was such great work. I think he and his dimples would have been very successful.
to this day and watching that show gratefully on insp i am in thrall of this guy. a five tool player. rides, acts killer handsome,camera falls all over this guy ,andthe set follow up for butch cassiday and the sdk is obvious. had this guy gotten the help he needed he would have had more roles and found himself out of his so called. hole. i wish i had that hole.his ego got the best of him. funny how the winners come out loser.patience pete, you would hve been enduring endearing. when he died i was shocked.that show had me hooked on both of em.still pissed at him actually,how dare he steal himself from me and that antidote to nam, riots,and so on. you wanted that social cause, that getoff of from the worlds ills pete? you were it for me, a ten year old kidyou coulda been costner, who i discovered in a silly western called silverado, whto had big names,was a perfect western. imagine you in yelowstone.mind boggles.dammit pete.
Hello! First time posting here…was a big fan of “Alias Smith & Jones”…was only 11 when Pete died…as a HUGE Buffalo Bills fan (down here in sweltering Alabama…lol), I try to attend a home game every year…and every few years I pay a visit to Pete’s gravesite…was there in December last year…surprisingly, there’s always something of remembrance resting on his spot…I asked the groundskeeper if there were many visitors during the year and he said yes…how awesome to be remembered over 50 years later…GOD bless his family…
Hallo everyone,
it’s so fascinating that so many fans remember Pete. I myself cannot forget him. Quite strange.
Best regards from Germany
Thank you. I share your feelings Diana…❤️DE
Hallo everyone,
It’s so amazing that we still remember Pete after all this time. Warm greetings to everyone who shares these thoughts.
Greetings from Germany
I watched AS&J when it was originally shown on tv here in the UK. I recently bought the box set and am reliving the memories of the great man. He and Ben Murphy. There will never be another Hannibal Hayes than Pete. It’s such a shame that his life was cut short. He is a legend in my eyes. God rest his soul.
My husband and I started watching AS&J a few years ago. Our DVR is set to record every appearance, so we’ve watched the same shows many times and still enjoy them. A friend was visiting one evening and as we were watching one of the shows, he told us about Peter’s death. We were so saddened at learning that he had committed suicide. I’m also saddened to know that he hated starring in the series because we see it as good, wholesome western entertainment. He was born on February 24th and I was born on February 28th, 1040. Ben Murphy just turned 82 recently. He lives on in the shows he did so wonderfully.
Shining bright young man xxx
Forever young xxxx
“Happy 84th ❤️ Birthday” in heaven beautiful man!! Thinking of you today on your special day 🤠😘🍻
It’s my birthday today and I remember how excited I felt when I found out the 24th was also your birthday,I just wish you were here to celebrate another one.where ever you are have a good one.T
I was only 11 years old when Pete died but I remember the total shock and despair I felt so clearly. I had a troubled childhood but Pete and AS&J kept me feeling hopeful. I loved him and the series so much that I used to record it on a large reel to reel tape recorder and then play it back several times during the week before the next show. I have never really come to terms with him dying so young. On what would have been his 84th birthday, I celebrate his short life and the positive impact it had on so many of us and still mourn the fact that we never got to share more time with him. Love to his family, all of you who feel like I do and, most of all, to Pete himself xx
Happy birthday dear Pete. Another year without you here with us.its still so raw still breaks my heart to think of what happened to you. Why! I often wonder why you💔xxxx
February 24, 2024
4:31 a.m.
Our sweet Pete’s blessed birthday…
Dear Mr. Harder,
You are a loving soul and I thank our precious Lord for you.
Your heartfelt words and memories of our sweet Pete, have brought bittersweet joy to my broken heart and tears to my weary eyes. We grieve together, we weep together, my friend in love…
You, dear gentleman, are always in my heart and prayers.
God love you,
Sweet Pete’s Girl Xo…